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Saturday, September 18, 2004

Udderly painful

Ugh...today I finally noticed some back pain. For years I have been slouching and destroying any possibility of having "good posture" and it would appear that I have to try and stop that now. I was 115lbs back in May...last weigh-in I was 142lbs. That number really offends what little sense of vanity I have...I like to pretend that its the baby's weight and the fact that my blood volume has increased by 40% (Heavy metal is in my blood, man).

The middle of my back is breaking from my new-found udder. Daddy R seems to think that its really cool that I have "Porn Star Boobs". He even offers to carry them around the house for me, but, well, it just gets weird. And now something sexy from CNN (a frickin pound???):

Breasts. Stimulated by estrogen and progesterone, your breasts enlarge as the milk-producing glands inside them increase in size. Breast enlargement accounts for about a pound of the weight you gain during your pregnancy. Some, but not much, of the increased breast size is due to increased fat. The tiny bumps that circle the areolas — skin glands called Montgomery's tubercles — start enlarging. These glands secrete oils that moisturize and soften the skin of your nipples and areolas.

My lower back hassles me if i stand too long or walk too much. I looked like I needed a V8 or something when I found a relatively comfortable position for doing the dishes tonight...wonder if the fetish stores sell baby carriers for adults...


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