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Friday, October 08, 2004


So I went for another ultrasound this past Tuesday. Baby was very uncooperative in every way. Wouldn't stop bashing the ultrasound scanner out of the way. Wouldn't stop moving for a nanosecond so the tech could get the shots that my doctor needs. After a while, the onsite doctor at the clinic came in to try and get the pictures that are needed, but he had a hard time too. And no way did the baby want to share whether its female or male. Given the uncooperative nature of this kid so far, I am guessing that she's a girl!
This time, I got to see the baby practicing breathing (amniotic fluid, I think) in addition to the dancing, kicking, and screaming (well, opening and closing of the mouth, anyway). Oh, and there was a distinctive hiccup after a few breaths. I didn't know that a fetus practices breathing in the womb so that the lungs are ready for the cold, harsh real world. There's a lot that I don't know. :-)
Anyway, I have to go again on Oct 12 for yet another ultrasound. This one is scheduled for the morning instead of the afternoon, so the baby might not be as active then. Its also being done at the hospital where they have better equipment than the clinic that I have been going to...

I almost wouldn't mind if they kept sending me back monthly for these ultrasounds as its pretty kewl to watch the wee alien jig around inside of me.


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