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Sunday, September 10, 2006

Go Go Go

Mika's developing like mad as of late. We discovered the scary way that she can get down the stairs from the second floor to main on her own. Her gross motor skills have gone bonkers as she climbs into, out of, on to, etc. everything. Fine motor skills are also coming along well as she unscrews water bottle and other caps without a problem. I know that I should be pleased, but it kinda sucks. Especially when she dumps milk and juice into the car seat. Anyway...Door knob? No problem. Latched patio door? No problem. Open the car door? Sure! Click and unclick the latches on high chairs, car seats, etc.? Not a problem whatsoever. Mika has also entered her independent phase of having to do almost everything on her own with no help. If you attempt to help her in a task, she up and takes off a few feet away to resume her quest in peace. Dressing takes awhile now unless you get really spanky with the distraction skills. Vocab is wild. Mika easily strings together words now ("Daddy shoes on?" "Mama go upstairs. Bye Bye Mama.") and babbles even more incessantly than she did even a couple of weeks ago. We can't keep up and are not entirely sure how to translate each and every word from mikanese to english, but we get most of it. Mika still seems to favor kitties, puppies, shoes, boots, and books over most other things, but her range is slowly expanding. She likes her 'bike' (a three wheeled sit and scoot) and gets excited when she spots bikes of any kind on the road, Harley, Schwinn, or other. Another on-the-road-spot-'em fave are blue busses. Driving home during rush hour gets about 20 different "blue bus!" exclamations from the kid. At Kristeen's Discovery Toy party this afternoon, I thought Mika was going to lose her head over not being able to articulate her discovery that Vina and I had the exact same pair of shoes. Poor Mika. It was like watching a puppy bark and spin in excitement, except her bark was a string of nonsense words peppered with "2 shoes" and 'mama' and "there, over there".

Pregnancy-wise, all seems fine. I have an ultrasound and dr. appt. week after next. I'm finding it hard to believe that I'm already past the halfway point.

On other fronts, we're moving at the end of the month. Purchase-wise, its a done deal, so nothing to jinx by posting. We bought an older bungalow a little north of here. Sale-wise, its been nerve-wracking, but we have an accepted offer pending with conditions to be lifted (or not, depending how it goes) on Tuesday. If that falls through, we have a backup offer without conditions, so it's more or less safe to say its a done deal. Hellish. Buying, selling, moving are all hellish. We're soon to find out how hellish living with renos or the need of renos is. :)


Blogger Mama_T said...

Yup...Daddy as a Good Girl provides me with mucho entertainment.

We have skate tags!! We were spotted as outsiders at the Dovercourt playground and were asked to join the community league. So I did. We're all getting skates for xmas. Bring your video camera to record the amusement of an 8 months pregnant chick trying to ice skate again after 20 years.

3:23 PM  
Blogger Angel Feathers Tickle Me said...

Love to all.....

2:34 AM  
Blogger Chair said...

Theya is in the same physical state, all wanting to climb and "do you yourself!" (she hasn't got the hang of "you" vs "me" just yet). Egad, the independence!!

10:31 PM  

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