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Tuesday, November 07, 2006


After a night of frantic scratching and screaming, we took Mika in to the Dr. this morning where she was diagnosed with Fifth Disease.
Mika was freaking out pretty badly this morning - it was her decision to go to the doctor. She seemed to know that she needed it. I'd ask if she wanted to go to school and she would reply by screaming 'NO!' at the top of her lungs followed by a calm and quiet 'doctor?'. Mika fell asleep during the ride between the medicentre and my work. Daddy took her home for the day. Lucky nuggets. I wanna be at home too!!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

not a good infection for pregnant women...although I think you had it as a baby so you are likely immune

11:20 AM  
Blogger Mama_T said...

Nope, I came down with it hard. It was like I developed instant hardcore arthritis overnight. Faded to a rash. Now all but gone. Nonetheless, there's a chance that baby might be suffering ill effects in the form of severe, potentially fatal, anemia. We're going for tests on Monday. This poor baby...he's been through a helluva lot before birth!

11:30 AM  

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