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Wednesday, January 14, 2009

i'll just put the lid back on and everything's cool, right?

naptime chez moi.

Declan has hit the terrible twos big time. He requires constant supervision at all times - even while he naps apparently! He screams, he punches, he hits, he kicks - he demands his own way all the time. He only gets things his way SOME of the time, so we hear a lot of tantrums lately. Everything is cause for a freakout with this kid. For example - this morning he demanded to sit in the spot that his sister had chosen. After a mini battle, she gave up her seat because it wasn't worth the fight. Then he wanted the bowl that she had chosen for her cereal. And the spoon. And the cup of milk. We're talking like 6 freak outs before 8:30 AM (if you include the kids' fight over whether to watch TV while i got breakfast ready and then the fight about what to watch)



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