Happy Hallowe'en

The kids had a fantastic Halloween this year. They always do. :)
Mika wanted to be a bunny this year. I sewed a felt patch and fluffy tail onto the tummy of her old ballet leotard. Painted her face white with a pink nose and some whiskers and she was good to go. Declan went as Spiderman and a glow-in-the-dark skeleton. He dresses up regularly and, as such, there was no need to buy or make a costume.
Mika had her school party on Friday. Declan wore his Spiderman suit for that. The kid who sits to the right of Mika was away, so the boy even had a desk to sit in. We read stories, played musical chairs and graveyard, had some healthy snacks, went on a parade around the school, and generally played around the classroom.
Saturday we carved jack-o-lanterns after gymnastics and had a picnic supper. Picnic suppers mean we sit on a blanket on the living room floor and watch a movie. Mika chose The Wizard of Oz as our scary halloween movie.
Sunday the kids wanted to start trick-or-treating at 8am. Mika decided to wear her fun-fur suit out instead of a jacket. Declan decided to be a skeleton instead of Spiderman again. 10 hours later we met up with our friends John and Conner. Conner was on our soccer team last year and his Opa lives next door. We wandered down the block to Mika's friend Logan's house and added Logan, his parents, and a set of grandparents to our parade. Within the hour, we added Abi, Mylo, and their Mom and Dad too. The kids took the neighborhood by storm. It was a beautiful evening and we had a great time spooking the 'hood. Tonight is the final halloween party for the year: Mika's Sparks party. Whee!
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