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Tuesday, November 02, 2004

Everything checked out well at the checkup

Dr.'s appointment went well today. Baby's heartbeat is going strong. The doctor felt really bad about the nuchal fold scare and assured me that we have nothing to worry about. The tests for toxemia came back negative. My blood pressure is still a little high, but nothing that is cause for concern or alarm. What I personally found as cause for concern and alarm is that the doctor told me that I can possibly expect a baby weighing in between 9-10Lbs. Am now feeling guilt over secretly hoping that the baby comes early...when its about 7lbs kind of early.
I only gained 5 lbs in the last month...phew. Doctor said that I can go ahead and start aquacise (sp?) a couple of times a week as walking in the cold and dark is not so fun. Its only about a 2 block walk to the pool from where we live. I just have to avoid the sauna, steam room, and hottub: the 3 best things about going to the pool in the first place!


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