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Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Day 40


I'm tired. Mika has been having some tummyaches the past day or so that have been messing her sleep and nap cycles. Which means that my sleep schedule is even more crazy! ah well...she's worth it all.

I noticed this morning how much she talks. Of course, its wee baby talk...just these sounds, but she uses different tones and inflections that make it sound as though she is truly trying to converse. And apparently has a lot to say. Mika was kind enough to not put up a huge fuss and fight and be carried in the Snugli this morning so I could get the condo a little bit tidied. A little bit. She and I chatted the whole time. I explained to her what I was doing and why and she made her comments.
Before yesterday, I only really noticed her talking to Rooney2, her stuffed raccoon and cribmate.
Right now, she's overtired and in her swing. Her eyes are almost shut, but she's fighting it to talk to the plastic fish that's attached to the swing. Her 10AM nap lasted all of 20 minutes because her stomach was bothering her. Took another half an hour to get her to stop screaming. Am now letting the swing do its best to lull her back to sleep. So much for today's nap schedule. I'm currently being a "bad parent" and letting Mika sleep in her swing. I will leave her there for as long as she sleeps because its been such a nightmare trying to calm her today that the last thing I would do is disturb her now that she is calm. Besides, I bet she'll only sleep there for 15 minutes anyway.

Hoping to stroll Mika to the mall to get a brush for washing her bottle nipples. Using the wound corner of the dishcloth is getting too irritating. Also need some razor blades for Daddy...maybe a Second Cup coffee for Mommy.

oh...she's awake again. So much for 15 minutes...more like 5. Ack!


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