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Friday, April 29, 2005

Happy 10 Week Birthday, Mika!

She made it to the double-digits!
Mika's sleeping patterns have taken a turn. We still put her down at 7-7:30PM, but she never stays asleep for more than a halfhour. Its like her evening nap now. For the past couple of nights, she has stayed up as late as we have (11-midnight). To get her to fall asleep at night, we have to put her in the swing. The usual tricks like nursing, bottles, and cuddles just are not cutting it. I hope she reverts back soon!
I had wanted to take her out and do some shopping today, but the weather sucks and I don't want to take her out when its snowing unless I have to. She felt a little warm this morning, but wouldn't stay still enough for me to get a temperature reading, so I just gave her a dose of Tylenol..better safe than sorry.
bah...she's awake again! Mika won't nap for longer than a half hour unless I take her to our bed and lay down with her...

Off to rescue from the horrors of the crib!


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