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Friday, April 01, 2005

Happy 6 Week Birthday, Mika!

Mika is still sick so we had a low-key, yet still high stress (for me!) , day.
Her congestion sounds so awful. She hates having her nose suctioned or otherwise cleaned. I get some snot sucked down, she snorts it back up. It becomes a 'game' of me trying to get a kleenex to wipe out the snot that I have sucked down before she shnorks it back up again. And then cries. I feel so bad for her.
Mika has had a really bad sleep day too. She didn't sleep for more than an hour straight all day. I think the best sleep she had was when we took her grocery shopping. At least it was more sound than she seemed to have since about 7AM. She's been asleep for about an hour now in her humidified room. I am paranoid to not be watching her. My ears are peaked to the baby monitor. If I hear a noise, I get panicky. But if I don't hear noise, I get panicky after a little bit too. *sigh*.
I'm sure that Mika will come through this sickness much better than I am going to. It's making me absolutely insane. I want her to live in a bubble. Or have superhuman resistance to all illnesses and disease.

On a positive note, Grandpa arrives tomorrow afternoon from Ontario! If Mika is feeling up to it, we'll go meet him at G's. If not, he'll just have to hang at her crib.


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