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Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Puppy Love

Mika loves puppies. The fluffier and more rambunctious the better. (Mika has taken to not wanting to sleep at night. I think its the heat in this place. So we take her for evening strolls to get her to fall asleep. The last couple of times we've had to do this, we've ended up at the mall. Air conditioned mall.) Mika usually hasn't fallen asleep by the time we've reached the end of the mall where the pet store is, so we've picked her up and shown her the cages full of puppies. I've never seen her so happy and gleeful as when she is watching the puppies play. She cracks a huge smile, squeals with delight, and giggles like mad while her arms and legs flail uncontrollably. Of course, she seems to love the poodle cross breeds the best. I say "of course" because were I to ever get a dog, a poodle or poodle cross would be the last breed that I would select. I'm more of a Heinz 57 rescued from the shelter kind of person. Yet another reason that we need to move to a house with a yard...gotta get Mika a puppy!
Mika's Daddy is not looking forward to the future of pet store trips. It's bad enough that I beg for uber-expensive Himalayan kittens...now he's going to have two weepy eyed girls pleading "But why??"


Blogger Chair said...

Theya absolutely LOVES Weird Uncle Job. Whenever I let him in from his nightly rounds, she actually cries in frustration if I don't put her down so she can smack him. And smack him she does -she does the frantic arm and leg flailing, too, she's just SO excited to see him.

4:37 PM  

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