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Monday, October 10, 2005

One More Day

It's been hectic this weekend. We've completed 2/3 of our family visits. The Shermans was awesome on Saturday. Mika made a new friend, Kaylee. Kaylee is only 3.5 months old, but she sure had an interest in Mika. Kaylee was sitting up and babbling away at Mika. Very cute. Scott's turkey rocked. I was spoiled for my upcoming birthday. Mika behaved so well that it scared me.
My Mom's was awesome yesterday too. She always cooks up a delicious feast...one oven going in the kitchen and another in the basement. It's nuts. The girls were hyper and cute as ever. Mika took an active interest in them much as Kaylee did to her the day before. Auntie Jenn and Uncle Lucas brought MikaTreats in the form of a stuffed puppy that barks and pants when you press his nose. Thanks Uncle Lucas and Auntie Jenn! Grandma gave Mika some new bath toys too...thanks Grandma! Mika enjoyed eating mashed potatoes instead of her usual supper. She woke at midnight and 6AM for a bottle then slept in until 9:45AM! Wooooot!
Today we're off to Nana's for Thanksgiving Round 3.


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