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Thursday, August 02, 2007


Declan had his 6 month shots today. Nothing to report there - 3 needles, a few tears, some boob, and off to sleep.
Capital Health is using new percentile charts. He's officially doubled to 8.8kg/19lbs 6 1/4oz. 85th percentile, I think they said. His length is 26 and some inches, putting him in the 65th percentile for height. His head is still big - 90th percentile. Can't recall the measurement. Threw Mika on the scale too - she's 26lbs, 6 oz - almost exactly 7 pounds heavier.
Declan ate an entire jar of squash for supper. I don't think Mika was ever able to finish a jar in a single sitting. Two cubes or a half jar was always her max. Egads. Time to start farming so I can feed the boy. The jar was followed with a long nurse for dessert. Sometimes it feels like the kid is literally draining my energy with each suckle - i'm totally exhausted when he's done - weirdness.
Anyway, apparently the kids are growing well and Declan eats like a champ. w00t.


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