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Monday, July 18, 2005

Happy 5 Month Birthday, Mika!

Another month gone! And Mika is huge. All the clothes that I never believed would ever fit her are getting small.
She's so bright and attentive. It scares me. I don't even realize how often that she is watching me. She laughed at me this weekend. Not just a giggle, but a full-on laughing fit at my expense. It was late on friday night. Mika wouldn't sleep. We were giving Mika tours of the house and had stopped at the fridge. She loves looking at all the junk on our fridge. I was going through the usual routine of reading her the quotes, pointing out people in photos, and going over her name. We have her name spelled out in brightly painted wooden letters (with magnets on the back, of course). I accidentally knocked the 'M' to the floor and had to bend over to pick it up. Mika found this to be the best thing ever. She laughed and laughed and laughed. Which made us laugh and laugh and laugh. We were happy to see a sign of intelligence such as we hadn't seen in Mika before. I wasn't so sure if I was ready for the kid to be laughing at me. Not with me...this was most certainly at me. Ah well.
Another typical weekend around here. We tidied some, shopped some, cleaned some, visited G. When Mika slept, Daddy played Tiger Woods Golf on the PS2 while I read. Sad as this is, I don't even recall the name of the author or the book that I read. I guess I could go look, but meh. It was about a woman and her internet cafe in Grande Prairie. It was an OK book..for a quick chick read.
We walked Mika a lot this weekend...and this last week. Seems she doesn't want to fall asleep without being strolled now. Sometimes it only takes a few minutes, other times you can walk for an hour. Fates please help us when the snow and cold comes. I hope she's outgrown this phase!


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