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Thursday, November 29, 2007

the end is near!

I go back to work in January. Bleh. Mika had been sick for a week and is still recovering - she hasn't been to daycare in a couple of weeks. This morning, we made the decision just to pull her until she *has* to go in January. We kept her in when Declan was born just to give me some recovery space plus she really liked going. As autumn progressed, Mika seemed to enjoy her days at home more than her days at daycare. So...when she claimed to be too sick to go to daycare this morning, we had a little chat. She grudgingly admitted that she wasn't really sick, but just didn't want to go. So...Daddy made the call to the daycare this morning to let them know that Mika will be back in January - with little brother in tow...


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