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Thursday, November 15, 2007


declan power crawled to his sister, lunged forward, and totally took her down. it was awesome.

he still will not fall asleep on his own - will he ever? i am doubting it. he has to be nursed or bounced in his beco carrier to fall asleep. his doc told me flat out to put him to sleep by himself in a crib. after a half hour of his screaming, even when i was in the room with him, i gave up. he only likes being in the crib if mika is there with him.

he's a climber too.

if mika is at daycare, he follows me around all day. if she is home, he follows her. thinking of pulling her from daycare for my last month of leave so she can help out. it's handy.

declan loves to play infant soccer. he dribbles with his hands as he power crawls around and makes awesome shots.

mika is into farting and letting the world know about it verbally. she also tells me how proud she is of me when i use the toilet.

anthony and lori should have a baby.

mushbrain me cannot remember what else i wanted to note about the kids...more later, i guess..


Blogger Emma in Canada said...

That first sentence? is totally Sophie vs Saoirse at my house. Where do these babies get such strength?

10:29 PM  

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