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Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Happy Birthday to Me!

The kids had new books and candy waiting for me this morning - what more could a girl ask for? Er, other than a "day off" and only having to look after one youngling because the other is at daycare. Today's exciting celebrations include returning library books and picking up some groceries. We're out of milk. Oh, and grabbing our new AIO printer/scanner thing. I've never really owned a printer - the ones I like are beyond what I can afford. Anyway, I've been wanting to scan a few photos and am too lazy to go to the office, so grabbed one of those "On sale for $80 with an $80 rebate" deals. I'm sure the print quality is horrid - heard it doesn't even print true black, but we really wanted it for the scanner. Free is free is free.

Thanks to all for the bday greetings!


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