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Thursday, February 03, 2005

13 more days??

Dr.'s appointment went well, except for one small detail: He said that he will let me go one week past my due date and then decide whether to induce or perform a c-section. The baby has been growing. I've lost some weight and the blood pressure has been good for a couple of weeks, so the previous call of not letting me go past the due date has been thrown to the wind. Gah!!!!!
Apparently, I am maybe 1cm dilated, if that. The Dr. said it doesn't look as though the baby will be arriving at any time in the next couple of days, but he also said that doesn't mean that it *can't* happen.
The doctor had a patient recently who was in a similar situation as to what I am in. He thought that she would have to have a c-section due to her size (small) and the baby's size and position (big, head down, but not engaged). This woman and baby surprised the doctor by going into labour and delivering naturally. The way that the doc was talking, if he hadn't had the experience with this other woman recently, he would have recommended a c-section for sure.

I'm hoping to go into labor on the 8th. It seems reasonable to me. A new moon is kinda like a full moon and they say that all the psychos end up in the hospital on full moons...I certainly feel like a lunatic lately, so keep your fingers, toes, and eyes crossed....


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