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Thursday, March 10, 2005


If Mika turns out to be an odd kid or have some kind of mental issues, it will be all our, her parents, fault. (As if people didn't know that already)

Due to her being extremely 'poopy' in her first few days of life, we called her Mika Meconium for awhile. Like..for the past 20 days, she probably has heard that name once daily. Mika also gets called Pooh Face a lot...in the nicest way of course...and usually only when she is actually making her pooh face...usually.
Her other, less offensive and crude, nicknames are Funky Stinkerbean, Mewling and Mika-Moo.

Her Daddy made up new lyrics to twinkle twinkle little star for her based on the Mika-Moo name:

Mika Mika Mika Moo
six plus four minus eight is two
If you don't want Mika's wrath
You better not mess with her Math
Mika Mika Mika Moo
six plus four minus eight is two

If there was ever any question that her parents would end up warping her innocent mind, its now answered.

We're such dorks. Poor Mika. Please know that your Mom doesn't *try* to warp you, its just what comes naturally.


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