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Sunday, August 07, 2005

Freak Out!

A few of the things that sucked about Saturday:

Cranky Mika
Heat + Crowds + Loud Parades = Special Form of Hell
Mika Meltdown due to above equation
Losing Daddy at parade
Daddy moving car due to parking restrictions - the traditional meetup place if you get lost was lost too.
Being out of tampons

Things that didn't suck:

Finding Daddy just before I lost it along side of Mika
Going Home
Dinner (soy ginger chicken burgers)
Dessert (choco banana pocky)
Getting tampons

Today Mika spent two hours alone with her Daddy while I made a pit stop at work. I was impressed..there was only one stain on her clothes and he did a good job on the diapers. Mika also had her daily poop while in Daddy's sole care, so that kinda rocked too. Yay! Not my turn!
Both the work server and the new server were being fussy. We seem to be missing some software for the new one. At least I got the key from M$. At first I was surprised when someone answered on a Sunday afternoon, but then I figured that M$ prolly employs call centre people all over the world so that someone is always answering the phones. That was my only progress with the new server: obtaining the prod key from M$. Nice.
The only thing I did to Yoda (work server) was reschedule the friday backup. Explorer was crashing and I bailed and left Anthony alone with a fussy server. Nice. It was kinda weird to be back in the office. Nonetheless, within minutes I had taken over the laptop and chair and was back in my little work world. I even managed to splash yogurt and lettuce all over a couple of glass office walls and the hall carpet. Kinda like a tag...a "marina wuz here" signature. Clumsy nerd alert. It was sweet.
Mika was happy, playful, and bright all evening and went to sleep with little hassle. The sounds of her playing in that damn exersaucer are still echoing in my head. Mika loves smashing her rattles and cars into the mounted exersaucer toys.
She has this weird little toy that has a face with LED eyes on one side, a mirror on the other, and these teether ears. It has three features that baby can activate via buttons: flashing eyes, vibrations, and playing electronic classical tunes. It's kinda creepy and fairly annoying. Mika loves it. Three features, on and off, all day.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ah yes. Isn't that first surprise period wonderful?

12:07 AM  

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