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Saturday, August 06, 2005

Meme Tagged!

gah! I've been meme-tagged by Chair!

id.i.o.syn.cra.sy -a structural or behavioral characteristic peculiar to an individual or group

Write down five of your own personal idiosyncrasies. Then, if you wish, tag five people.

Uh...OK. I'll try to limit it to five:

1. Handwashing. Total OCD with the handwashing. Must. Wash. Hands. Constantly. As such, my hands are dry and crappy looking. All. The. Time.

2. Skateboard Love. Yes, I am 30 years old and am still in love with my skateboard. I don't ride it much lately given the extra 40 lbs. on my body and how it affects my balance, but love it I do. The deck is a Santa Cruz Jason Jesse Sun God. Hollow body indy trucks. Ancient Hosoi Rockets (92A) wheels and the best damn bearings ever. You spin one of those wheels and they keep spinning for evah!

3. Astrology. I make myself seem much more flaky than I think that I really am by constantly analyzing people and events based on astrology. Why? I just don't know. Must be something about being a Libra.

4. Folding Laundry. I blame this one on my mother, who has been known to iron sheets and pillowcases and teatowels and such. ANYWAY..the laundry in my house must be folded Just So. Except sheets. Towels follow the 1/3, 1/2, 1/2 rule. Pillowcases are 1/2, 1/3, 1/3. Tshirts must look as though they are ready to be put on display at the Gap or something. You get the idea.

5. Talking to Inanimate Objects. I talk to inanimate objects. They don't usually respond verbally, so I'm probably not as insane as this last item makes me sound. When I am at work, my coworkers often think I truly am insane as I try to reason with printers and copiers and servers and such. Thing is...it often works. A few kind words of encouragement to the colour laser and it stops jamming. A pet and compliment to the file server and it stops crashing. And so on. Ooh..and I saw this today and felt a little less insane.

I could go on and on. Fascinated, yet terrified of insects and other animals. Lights, mostly streetlights that turn off or on as I walk past them. Rewashing dishes that Danny has done. Yeah. I *can* go on and on!

Hrm...I don't think I know of 5 other people to tag. My brother prolly won't go in for this stuff. Neetsirk and Ant perhaps?


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