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Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Monkey See, Monkey Doesn't Do

From what I have read, Mika should be imitating our actions and words. She doesn't. When I repeat words to her in an attempt to get her to say them, she looks at me like I am an idiot. I spent quite a bit of time yesterday trying to get her to say Mama to no avail. When Mika went down for a nap late in the afternoon, I could hear her through the monitor repeating the word Mama over and over again. All excited, I went in to see her. Mika clammed up and wouldn't utter a sound. Just stared at me like I was nuts as I excitedly tried to get her to speak again. I realized then that this was not the first time that Mika stored some bit of info away for later testing. The last time we saw Cousin Lucas, he was repeating the following: Ba Ba Ba brmbrmbrmr (raspberry sort of thing). It didn't dawn on me at the time (see why Mika looks at me like I am an idiot?), but later that day, she was making the same sound.
It would seem that she is storing info for processing at a later time. Executing her batch file at night before she goes to sleep. I wonder what she does with the action part of it though? It's one thing to repeat new words and sounds, but how is she processing the actions (hiding a block under a nesting cup, peek-a-boo, etc.)?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

My son does the same thing. I find it an interesting trait and think it shows superior intelligence - a hey I am not going to imitate you if it is stupid - approach to life.

4:40 PM  
Blogger Mama_T said...

heh..I like your approach! We were thinking that maybe she is showing early signs of non-conformity. That would be OK. I need a camera in Mika's room to see if she is making all the goofy facial expressions and clapping and stuff too when we're not looking.

5:07 PM  
Blogger Chair said...

Theya has on and off weeks. Last week she was blowing raspberries when we did, scrunching her nose and sniffing when we did, waving bye-bye like a pro and other mimicing stuff and this week? Not a chance. She sort of waves 'bye' as if to say 'ok, fine, I'll wave. happy?!'

8:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Saoirse copied "Mama" for about two days. Same with "Uh oh!". She does that one once in a while now. She used to put her arms up to be picked up- now she doesn't. What she DOES do on a consistent basis (this week) is fake cough. When she coughs, I make a sound or copy her, so she forces herself to do it again and again. It's cute.

11:28 AM  

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