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Thursday, October 18, 2007



"But I wanna go to ballet school..."

"can i watch dora please? please mama?"

"BUTIWANNAWATCHDORA" - (spoken in this terrifying growl that makes me believe and want to call a priest)

"i LIKE lasagna, mama. I don't like beans."

"Where's my coffee?"


"When I grow up, I'm going to dance on the STAGE!"

"NO DECLAN! NANA'S AT HOME - SHE'S NOT COMING OVER!" - because nanananana is one of the few things Declan says a lot.

"NO DECLAN, DADDY'S AT WORK! AND HE'S MY DADDY, NOT YOUR DADA!" - because dadadadada is one of the other things that Declan says a lot.

"Does this go in the recycle bag?"

(looks to her left in the grocery store and sees a man selecting crackers) "I don't like the man mommy. he's not my friend."

later on...

(looks to the right in the grocery store and sees a teenage girl picking out a toothbrush) "i like the girl mommy. she's my friend. we're friends. she's a big girl. i like big girls. big girls are my friends" - and on and on and on it went.

"i got a treatbag mama!" after returning home from picking up supper with daddy - she wore her dragon suit with cowboy boots and scored early halloween goodness.

"canIcanIcanIcanIcanI??" - ugh.

Mika dresses herself now. She'd diaper herself too if we'd let her. She feeds the cats, puts away dishes, and uses the potty quite a bit. Not enough that she can be diaper free yet. Mika knows to put her dirty clothes and towels in her hamper and puts her own clean laundry away. She'd fold it too if I let her. She knows to get her shoes and coat off when she comes in and put them away - though she slacks on this a lot. We're taking advantage of her willingness to help while we can.


Blogger Emma in Canada said...

She seems exceptionally smart! Saoirse has just started the growl herself, and you are right, it's got a bit of the exorcist to it! I've been trying to recoed it, but she stops when she sees the camera and starts crying.

10:36 PM  

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