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Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Days 108 and 109

Gah! Auntie Amber came to visit. She zerberted Mika and scared the wits out of her...then we went shopping. Auntie Amber spoils Mika beyond anything. I think Mika is getting fancy-ass clothes when we go to The Children's Place...but Auntie Amber took her to Zara. Zara!! Being that I have so much weight to lose yet, I hadn't bothered to venture into the Zara store to even know that there was a kids section. Mika has some mighty fine t-shirts now as well as a fancy new summer outfit with an asian style top and matching capris. She's 3.5 months old for crying out loud and sporting capris!!! Auntie Amber also gave Mika a taste of chocolate ice cream. Not too much..just a finger dip worth. Oh, Mika. Spoiled, spoiled you are. I wanted to get Daddy a tshirt that read "My Mom Thinks I'm Cool", but figured he wouldn't actually wear it. I was right.
Mika woke before 2AM and would not go back to sleep for me today. It was after 4AM when her Daddy got up. She had two swallows of food and fell asleep instantly in his arms. Nice. Over 2 hours of cuddling, consoling, swinging, feeding, changing, talking, reading, pleading and nothing. 2 minutes with Daddy and she's happy.
I took Mika to the clinic today suspecting an ear infection. She was tugging at her right ear and both ears seemed pretty waxy. The doc said she just has a lot of buildup preparing to release. (Uh, gross.) No infection though. Still no explanation for why she gets so warm so easily and is seemingly rather sensitive to her positioning. Or the mad reckless shrieking. I guess she's just a baby and that's that! 7:30PM - Time for Mika's bath and sleep ritual to begin.


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