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Friday, June 03, 2005

Happy 15 Week Birthday, Mika!

Bleh. We had another long night. Up early this morning though. We were showered and ready to go to the work lunchtime poker tournament, but just didn't make it. Mika ended up napping hard after her bath this morning and I couldn't bear to wake her. We'll have to drop in on the office next week. Mika went to sleep fairly well tonight, but had an odd spurt of wakeups. After feeding, she only seemed comfortable when arching her back and craning her neck back. She spazzed into this position and fell instantly asleep only to wake 10-15 mins later. I went up three times in less than an hour to cuddle her back to sleep, administer Ovol drops, and/or feed her again. She's been sleeping soundly for over half an hour now, so maybe she's feeling better. Daddy went out to rent Shaun of the Dead. Mika is sleeping. I am updating the blog. I should go run some laundry and look in on Mika.


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