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Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Small Change

Hrm...Audioscrobbler seems to have been absorbed by last.fm or something. Ah well..at least Daddy can still check up on how badly I am warping Mika with music while he is at work.

Mika sat unassisted for awhile today in her crib. I had to put her down for a few minutes and do the diaper pail deed. I thought she would flop over as usual, but she stayed up until she reached too far over. It was kind of funny to watch her because she'd start falling to one side and quickly put her hand down to steady herself. Over and over. Like some weird baby version of Dance Dance Revolution or something. Mika Weeble.

Later, she stood unassisted at the coffee table for a minute or so. I was trying to read to her, but she was more interested in the box of Things That Babies Should Not Have. I held her up to the edge of the table, she put her feet down and stood there wildly flailing at the above mentioned box.

Ant dropped by today with an invitation to his and Lori's wedding. It's a teaser invite because there's no way that we can attend their wedding, much as I would love to. It's happening in October on Salt Spring Island in BC. The reason that there is no way I can attend is that I am covering for him at work while he goes off to be wed. Either he goes to his own wedding or I go. Lori's both smart and hot. I'd marry her. Hmmm.....
Mika didn't want Ant to leave. She was holding onto his shirt, not wanting to let go. She pressed her little hands and face against the window and watched him go out to the truck and drive away. Then she turned and looked at me as though his departure was somehow my fault and that I had better do something to fix it. At least I know which office to drop Mika off at when I go in for the refresher training thing.


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