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Friday, February 16, 2007


According to our bathroom scale, Mika weighs 27lbs and Declan is exactly 10lbs. As exact as a cheapo bathroom scale is in the first place.

Suilean Dubh:

Declan was born with dark eyes. A very deep dark hazel that we expect to turn brown at any moment. Some innerweb sites suggest this to mean that he is not caucasian - wonder how much of Daddy's Metis blood the kid got!?!

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Blogger Chair said...

Theya's eyes were dark, dark when born, almost a black, they were such a deep, rich brown. They've since lightened a bit to a neat olivey-hazel brown, but still dark.

I've some Metis to me and my eyes are a red-hazel (part of why I love to colour my hair auburn -it matches my eyes!) while J's are a deep brown, so the kid never had a chance at blue.


12:20 AM  

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