We all had a fantastic thanksgiving weekend. Busy as all getout, but good nonetheless.
As our tradition goes, we spent Saturday at the Shermans, Sunday at Baba's, and Monday at Nana's. Mika's nap is between 11:30 and 1:30 (give or take). We unpacked and settled as we could in the morning and while she was asleep and headed out for the day after Mika was up and we'd had lunch.
For the first time, Mika was the oldest kid in the crowd. Fudge and Amanda were there with 8-month old Zach. Dylan, Jordan, and Nick were with their respective Dads, so it was just 14-month old Kaylee over with Candace and Stan. Mika ignored Zach unless he dared stand at his own leapfrog table in her presence and she more or less ignored Kaylee as well. There was the odd battle here and there over toys, but nothing major. The food and company were great as always. As a turtle fan herself, Mika was suitably impressed with Oma Sherman's array of collectible turtles.
On Sunday at Baba's, we ate the best damn chicken ever. Those Hutterites know how to raise dem chickens. There were no kids aside from Mika there, but she remembered her last visit and went by herself into the living room, found the wee brass bells, and started ringing them while trying to jump. I guess it wasn't the same without Alice and Jamie as Mika soon gave up. Baba presented Mika with a housewarming gift of a new table and chairs! Two sets, actually. There's a set here and a set over at Baba's. One of the best parts of the dinner was Mika pointing to a wine bottle and saying "Baba Juice".
Monday at Nana's went really well too. Mika was loving up her big 3 year old cousin Jackson. She wanted to dance all night with him. Mika would trail him with her hands out and almost forcibly grab Jackson's to make him dance with her. With some coaxing from his Mom, Jackson eventually gave in and danced with Mika. He really preferred Nana as a dance partner though. Cousin Lucas seemed content to do his stompin' tom stomp on his own. The kids had a blast operating the cassette player too.
Because we just can't stop, we had Baba and Ted over to see the house Saturday and nana dropped in on Sunday. I think at this point we may just be making excuses to not unpack and paint and do all the other stuff that needs to be done around here...:)
Now to book up the next few weekends as well...we have some Thanks for Moving Us dinners to plan...