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Monday, August 16, 2010

Mika and Sammi

Originally uploaded by MamaT
Sammi is still Mika's number one friend. She absolutely adores this guy. It's been over four years since she started calling him her boyfriend. From what she says, Sammi was the only good thing about her time at daycare. This shot was taken on Sunday. She went over to hang out and see the one remaining puppy from the litter Sam's chihuahua had earlier in the summer.

Mika's current boyfriend list:

Sam from school

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Declan's first movie

Declan finally saw his first movie in a theatre today - Toy Story 3. The boy loved the atmosphere. Hanging from the ceiling were some of his favorite 'people' - Batman and Yoda. He also loved the big fire-breathing dragon suspended from the ceiling and wants to go back just to watch the dragon. Amazingly, he stayed in his seat during the show.

Both kids loved the movie. Mika detests daycare centres and Declan has a fear of his toys being thrown in the garbage, so it was riveting action for them as both themes played heavy in the movie.

As usual, I'm far too brain-dead to come up with more of a post than this. You would be too if you spent a day at west edmonton mall with a 5 and a 3 year old! At least I've documented one of Declan's 'firsts'!