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Thursday, February 26, 2009

Mika talk

Me: Mika, you're not always going to be able to have everything you please in this life...(she was complaining about having to use a yellow bowl)
Mika: You can say that again

Mika: Daddy, you're not very smart.
Daddy: Excuse me?
Mika: Well, I guess sometimes you're smart about things, but not like a girl is.

Mika: Mama? I'm not going to call Declan a c0ck because that isn't a nice word. You shouldn't call someone a c0ck, right Mama?
Me: Sure Mika. Where did you hear that?
Mika: Just around, you know?

Friday, February 20, 2009

He did it!

Declan finally broke down and referred to his sister as 'Mika' a few times yesterday and today instead of 'Dora'. We've been waiting for well over a year for this. The girl gets really frustrated with her brother - screams of "My name is NOT DORA!!" were often heard.

Mika QOTD: "Boys are alright, but sometimes I'm allergic to them. They make me sick."

Thursday, February 19, 2009


Mika had a great day yesterday for her fourth birthday!

Her list of things that were great:

helping to decorate her pink frog cake
no nap
bus ride
first time in a movie theatre
seeing Coraline 3D
chinese food for supper with Nana
eating cake
opening presents
watching ANOTHER movie before bed

Wednesday, February 18, 2009


Mika received a birthday call from Cinderella this morning thanks to Rob. Thanks Rob!

Mucho thanks to everyone who came out to the kids' party on the weekend. The kids loved it and enjoyed all the generous gifts when we got home. We're in the process of making Thank You's - watch your mailbox!

Happy 4th Birthday Mika!

It's Mika's 4th Birthday! Yay! Declan has been up since 5-ish and I feel like keeling over with fatigue. Mika woke with a hoarse throat - possibly from hella crying yesterday (such is the ways of the diva) or maybe something bigger. Luckily we have a Dr. appointment tomorrow. If she's feeling well and fine we're going to see a movie today - Mika's first time in a theatre. Gotta run!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009


Discussing the song Once Upon A Dream from Disney's Sleeping Beauty:

"This song is nice. It's kind of like a lullaby, but I still like it anyway."

Friday, February 06, 2009

Happy 2nd Birthday Declan!

w00t! It's the boyo's big day - he made it to two! As I type this, he's trying to keep his sister from stealing his juice cup. She offers no mercy for birthdays.

Declan still won't say 'Mika' and insists on calling his sister 'Dora', but he has progressed from saying 'wockey' to 'haw-key' in the last day or so.

He's got his colours down and is working on counting.

Declan is about 1000 times more cuddly and affectionate than his sister and gives me about 50 bear hugs and wet kisses per day.

He's very determined and doesn't let anything get in the way of what he wants - this will be great when he's in University. Not so great when you're trying to clear ice off the sidewalks and he wants to go skating at the park instead.

Declan would make a helluva hurler, but is stuck on hockey and is learning to drop pass with Daddy.

Declan loves Elmo, Ariel from the Little Mermaid, and Stitch from the Lilo and Stitch series.

He has a little pink kitty blanket that he loves and carries around all day. It matches his sister's most prized gritty kitty.

Declan loves to play Hide and Seek, but you have to be quick about hiding. His counting consists of the following "two, three, two, ready or not I come"

Declan insists that he be powdered at every diaper change. We're down to two diapers this morning, so we're starting potty training. Birthday's can't be ALL fun. Mika got him a pack of pullup training diapers for xmas that she's been anxiously awaiting him to use. She wants him to be a big boy.

Declan lists the people and things that he loves before going to sleep each night. Usually it's Daddy, Dora (Mika), Eee (Sheena), BiddaBed (Elisabeth), Jack, Mama, Nana, Baba, Grandpa, Grandpa Ted, and hockey.

Declan often refuses to wear pants. Quite often.

Declan is difficult to understand and may need speech therapy at some point. Maybe not though.

He loves to gargle and drink bath water. We try to dissuade him.

Declan insists on brushing his teeth after eating.

He loves to imitate.

He loves with all his heart and is loved by many hearts.

He's the sweetest and wildest little dude I know - Happy Birthday Declan!

Update: Despite the snow falling, we made it out for a skate before a slightly later-than-usual lunch and both kids went down easily for a snooze. Cake and presents to follow...