We're not adjusting to daycare so well.
Mika is not into it at all. She seems to always be either the youngest or oldest. Currently, she's the oldest in her room and not being challenged nearly enough. I requested that she be moved up, but there's a 'system' in place and they won't move her up to the 3-4 yr old group until she's actually 3.
Declan already caught his first daycare illness and is a barrel of fun right now. There's one caregiver there that he seems to really like, but he mostly sits and cries. Luckily, he breaks for food. They've assigned him a little cot instead of a crib and the director lays down with him to help get him to sleep. A bonus for sure. My heart breaks each time I pick him up - as soon as he sees me, he breaks down. Needless to say, he's clingy to the extreme when we get home. Declan is also not sleeping well at all - trauma? illness? some of each? Anyway, he wakes up every hour and a half or so.
On the plus side, Declan is a walking machine. He's also got a serious love on for Dora. All he says all day is "Dora Dora Dora" with a little "d-d-d-d-d Dora" (imitating the theme song) thrown in. Yesterday he started saying "backpah" when the backpack part of the show came on. Oi.
Mika is coming along really well with spelling and word recognition. She's a video game addict like her parents. I picked up a Dora game from our local Apple retailer and she loves it. Just load up the game, sit her down, and she'll stay there for as long as you let her running through all the mini-games. Her mousing skills are mad, I tell you, MAD!
The kids and I are home today. My last day before going back to work full time. I wasn't going to waste it by sending the kids to daycare. I'd much rather have time with them than time alone.