Key to Declan Translation
Manna-mn - Spiderman
Bic-yd-ig-n-dign-dign - Backyardigans
Pabbo - Pablo
Bbbbbbrrrrrr - Blue
Ed - Red
Een - Green
Rellow - Yellow
Bbbbbboooooo - Balloon
Dowa (Dora) - Mika
(Declan STILL has yet to say the word "Mika" - he refers to her only as Dora.)
Sch-OO - shoe
Boo-T - Boot
Boo-P - Boob
We Buk - Read me a book
Ticka - Tickle
Wockey - Hockey
Wockey Stit - Hockey Stick
Wockey Paya - Hockey Player
Skit - Skate
Cooie - Scooter (the cat)
Pittapitta - Spartacus (the other cat)
KEEE! - Kitty
kook-ook - Cookie
Cacka - Cracker
Ta doe - Thank You
Da doe - Grandpa
NO! - Snow
NO! - No
NO! - I'm going to kick you
NO! - I'm going to slap you
NO! - The food and/or drink hit the floor in T minus 5, 4...
NO! - Leave me alone - I'm playing/watching hockey.
NO! - I don't need to wear pants
New fun in Declan's world: stripping down to the birthday suit before going to wake the 'rents. Show up at their bedroom door in the nude demanding hockey.
Bic-yd-ig-n-dign-dign - Backyardigans
Pabbo - Pablo
Bbbbbbrrrrrr - Blue
Ed - Red
Een - Green
Rellow - Yellow
Bbbbbboooooo - Balloon
Dowa (Dora) - Mika
(Declan STILL has yet to say the word "Mika" - he refers to her only as Dora.)
Sch-OO - shoe
Boo-T - Boot
Boo-P - Boob
We Buk - Read me a book
Ticka - Tickle
Wockey - Hockey
Wockey Stit - Hockey Stick
Wockey Paya - Hockey Player
Skit - Skate
Cooie - Scooter (the cat)
Pittapitta - Spartacus (the other cat)
KEEE! - Kitty
kook-ook - Cookie
Cacka - Cracker
Ta doe - Thank You
Da doe - Grandpa
NO! - Snow
NO! - No
NO! - I'm going to kick you
NO! - I'm going to slap you
NO! - The food and/or drink hit the floor in T minus 5, 4...
NO! - Leave me alone - I'm playing/watching hockey.
NO! - I don't need to wear pants
New fun in Declan's world: stripping down to the birthday suit before going to wake the 'rents. Show up at their bedroom door in the nude demanding hockey.