Clothing sizes
It seems that baby clothes are much like adult in the sense that there is little consistency in the sizing. Some of Mika's clothes that she is wearing now are 12 Month, some are 0-3 Month still. She is such a long, thin baby that most clothing is a bit loose on her. I like shopping at the second hand stores for her just so that i can see how big the item is going to be when it has been washed and dried a few times.
Er, about those disposables...I have cheated. I find that putting Mika in a disposable when she wakes in the middle of the night helps her sleep through til the morning. Also, when pooping is predictable, I will often throw a disposable on her just to make clean up easier. Mika almost always travels wearing disposables too. Mother Earth have mercy on me please!! You have no idea how sick it can be trying to rinse off one of the fold-it-yourself flannel diapers, even when using the flushable liners!
While I am on about poop anyway, Mika is back on Enfalac. We switched her to Nestle hoping it would make her life easier while digesting as they claim to have broken down proteins. Once established on Nestle's, she started spitting up, something she has never done before. She also started eating less. So, we went back to Enfalac. Enfalac makes yellowish somewhat watery poop. Nestle poop is green and sticky. During the transition when we had half and half, her poops would reflect that. We'd get some green and sticky, some mustardy..all in the same diaper. baby bum art.