..And a belated Happy Bday to Gramps! I forgot a mailer, so your package is going to be even more late than usual!
Lesse...we had a plumber over to clear a drain clog. *That* was exciting. Doing dishes in the bathtub sucks. It reminded me of an old episode of diff'rent strokes where the kids are talking about their mother. She couldn't afford the water to have both a shower and do the dishes, so she took the dishes into the shower with her. Why I remember these things, I don't know. I am full of useless information.
G has been feeling a bit better, but still not great. The nurses gave her Ensure and that was fine for a day. G was telling me that its good like a milkshake and her fave one is strawberry, etc. The next day she refused to drink it and was yelling about how she HATES that stuff. When I reminded her that she loved it the day before, she said "Yeah, but that's before they started forcing it on me. I hate it now because they force it on me all the time." Ah well. They can't put the IV back in to keep her hydrated because she just rips it right out again. JYSK happened to have the exact same down filled booties that I got for G a couple of years ago, so I got her another pair..that made her happy! Her old ones were disgusting and falling apart, so it was time for new ones in a serious way. I just couldn't believe they still had them!
Mika missed her Daddy something fierce when he was gone to Grande Prairie. Oh, the screaming and fussing. She is most certainly a Daddy's Girl. Next time, he should take her with him!
My bank card is dead. The bank just called to tell me that. Apparently, someone tried to skim it unsuccessfully and now I have to go in and verify the transactions, get a new card and PIN, and all that fun. Joy.
I finally got that proposal out for the network upgrade and server install. Took me forever because I was all out of my head over G and with Daddy going away and the fact that I had never written a proposal and had no clue what I was getting into. Thankfully I had an old proposal that my brother wrote up to use as a template. Now to see if we get the contract!
I am going back to work in October. For 3 weeks. To cover the vacation times for both the office mgr and my friend who is covering my mat leave. (Ant and Lori are finally getting married! The day before my birthday!) I've been looking for a dayhome or daycare for Mika to no avail. I may just have to bring her in to work with me, which would be complete hell, I am sure. Unless she is over the "making strange" phase that she is now in and can just be passed from person to person until the workday is complete. Being the sole IT person can be hellish on a good day. Being the office manager is usually even more mayhem. Covering both roles with a 7-8 month old child slung on your side cannot be a good thing. Or can it?
Weather is grey and dreary. I should really wander down to the bank and get this skimming thing cleared up. Ugh.